Sztrájkra készülnek a német légiforgalmi irányítók, amely komoly bonyadalmakat okozhat nemcsak a német, hanem az egész európai légi forgalomban is, ezért most a német kormány is beszáll a szakszervezetek és a német légi irányítást felügyelő DFS vitájába, hogy tárgyalásokat kezdeményezve megállapodásra bírja a két felet, azzal elkerülve azt a komoly közlekedési káoszt, amit a sztrájk okozna. A tervek szerint a kormány szerdán ülne le a felekkel, hogy tárgyalásokat folytassanak a helyzet megnyugtató rendezése érdekében – adta hírül a Reuters hírügynükség.

The German government stepped in on Monday to demand the air traffic controllers’ union and DFS ATC authority return to talks in order to avoid a threatened strike in a row over pay and conditions.

German transport minister Peter Ramsauer said talks were planned for Wednesday and the ministry would take part in the negotiations.

„That means strikes are off the cards for now and means no disruption to flights,” Ramsauer said.

The GdF air traffic controllers’ union had earlier on Monday said they would strike this week, potentially disrupting thousands of flights, unless talks could be set up at short notice.

A cikk a hirdetés alatt folytatódik.

Germany, which owns air traffic control authority DFS, had asked for further talks with the help of a mediator who has previously been involved, the GdF said.

The union did not specify when this week it would launch the walkout over working hours and wages. It will have to give 24 hours’ notice.

A spokesman for Lufthansa said it was too early for an assessment of the potential impact of a strike on air traffic.

Mediation talks had broken down at the end of last week. The union is demanding a 6.5 percent pay rise and has raised concerns on overtime and staff shortages. So far, the DFS has agreed to a 5.2 percent increase, awarded in two stages, plus a one-off payment.

The union had already threatened to strike twice in August, once being fended off by the courts and the second time after the DFS agreed to a mediation process.

Passengers had already suffered delays on Monday after ground handlers stopped work to hold meetings on EU Commission plans to increase competition among ground handling services at airports.

German travel association DRV put the number of people using German airports on a typical day in October at around 610,000.

While German employers have previously successfully used courts to fend off strikes, the court sided with the GdF union at the second attempt in August.

Aircraft maker Airbus also failed in its attempt to prevent a strike at plants in northern Germany last week.

More than 11,000 employees took part in warning strikes on Friday, calling for job guarantees, trade union IG Metall said.

Forrás: Reuters (2011. október 11.) / Fotó: Pikappa – Wikipedia

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