A flottájának megújítását és újabb generációs Airbusok beszerzését tervezi az IranAir – nyilatkozta a iráni FARS hírügynökségnek Farhad Parvaresh, a légitársaság vezetője.

„Speaking to FNA on Sunday, IranAir Managing-Director Farhad Parvaresh said the company plans to narrow down the type of its airliners in a bid to reduce repair and maintenance costs and replace old planes with new Airbus passenger planes.

„We plan to decrease the type of our airliners and renovate our fleet by purchasing more Airbus planes.

„This way we would sustain lower losses and enjoy more productivity,” Parvaresh added.

He said IranAir has moved on the same line of policy in the last few years and more purchased Airbus planes.

A cikk a hirdetés alatt folytatódik.

He mentioned that at present his fleet has 18 Fokers, 18 Boeings and the rest are Airbus planes, but he didn’t mention the exact number of the Airbus planes of his airline.

IranAir serves 35 international destinations in Asia and Europe.

Since last year Iran has started a plan to renew its air fleet not only through purchase of foreign planes, but also through domestic production in a bid to improve conditions in its aviation industry.

IranAir Airbus A300B4

In August 2010, former Iranian Road and Transportation Minister Hamid Behbahani announced the country’s plans to import 13 Boeing MDs and six Airbus passenger planes in a matter of months.

The same month, Parvaresh announced that all of Iran’s Tupolev airplanes would be replaced with Boeing MD.

Also, Iran Air Tours, another Iranian airline company using Tupolev planes, announced last October that it had replaced its Tupolev planes with two Boeing passenger planes line with the country’s plan for replacing the Russian plane with safer airliners.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced in summer 2010 that his ministry was ready to mass-produce the home-made IRAN-140 passenger and cargo plane to help renovate the country’s fleet of passenger planes.

Later in October, former Minister Behbahani told FNA in October that not just Tupolev, but all the planes produced by the countries formerly known as the Eastern Block are discarded from the Iranian fleet of passenger planes.

He added that 40 planes would be replaced by new passenger planes which had or were being purchased from the other countries as well as a number airliners which had been overhauled by Iranian experts.

But Iran accelerated its Tupolev replacement plan in December after the Russian Tupolev-manufacturing company withheld the requested reports on the crash of its airplanes in Iran.”

Forrás: FARS News Agency (2011. október 9.)

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