Komoly tőkeinjekcióval menti meg a szlovén állam a csődközeli állapotban lévő Adria Airwayst. Miután a részvényesek jóváhagyták a légitársaság alaptőkéjének emelését a szlovén kormánytól mintegy 49.5 millió euróhoz, a főrészvényes PDP-től 500.000 euróhoz és további 20 millió euró értékben bankoktól jut pénzhez az Adria Airways. Mindezen tranzakció még szeptember végéig le fog zajlani, hogy a légitársaság mihamarabb megindulhasson a célként kitűzött veszteségmentes üzemelés útján.

Adria Airways d. d.’s Meeting of Shareholders adopted the resolution as proposed by the Company’s largest shareholder, PDP d.d., and the increase of share capital of the Company in the form of the capital investment (cash injection) and the debt to equity conversion together in the amount of 69.720.983EUR. Capital investment will be performed by Republic of Slovenia in the amount of 49.500.000 EUR and by the shareholder PDP in the amount of 500.000 EUR, the debt to equity conversion will be performed by the banks as follows: the bank NLB d.d. in the amount of 13.836.035 EUR, the bank UniCredit banka in the amount of 1.248.948 EUR, the bank Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank in the amount of 1.281.000 EUR and the bank Abanka Vipa in the amount of 3.355.000 EUR. All the bulk shares, which will be issued by the Company, have to be paid until 30.09.2011.

Shareholders Meeting adopted the proposal of the shareholder PDP d.d. and appointed the special auditor to review the Company business in the last five years.

At today’s correspondence session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the resolution by which they agree with the recapitalization of Adria Airways d.d. in the amount of 49.500.000 EUR under condition that banks simultaneously perform the debt to equity conversion in the amount of no less than 25% of their claims towards the Company.

Forrás: Adria Airways (2011. szeptember 21.)

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